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丽思卡尔顿之社区公益活动故事 - Community Footprints Wow Story from Ritz-Carlton

来自香港丽思卡尔顿酒店的‘香港丽思,让梦成真’---- A Wish Comes True at The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong!


Eunice 在六月份将迎来她九岁生日,圆梦基金会希望为她举办一个特殊的生日派对来实现女孩的梦想。在医生的批准下,Eunice可以拥有半天的假期走出医院,和自己的朋友、亲人一起庆祝生日。通过与圆梦基金会沟通,香港丽思卡尔顿酒店很荣幸能够为Eunice 举办这次有意义的生日派对。


当Eunice 抵达酒店时,我们的领导团队和绅士淑女们热情的欢迎她的到来。因为考虑到Eunice在长途颠簸之后可能会觉得疲惫,酒店特别为她安排了一间装饰有她最喜欢的迪士尼人物——灰姑娘,以及各式各样飞机的房间休息。除此之外,酒店还绣了三套浴袍作为对Eunice一家的欢迎礼物。


Eunice曾经很喜欢游泳,酒店特意为她定制了一套木质装置以方便轮椅进入泳池区,带她参观了世界上地处最高位置的游泳池和按摩浴缸,并且从118楼欣赏到壮观的香港全景,还拍了很多照片作为纪念,这一切让她兴奋不已。而这样愉快的氛围,并没有因为生日派对的结束而结束。最后,我们将绅士淑女们亲手折叠的牵纸鹤全部放在一个精美的盒子里,把它送给了Eunice 以表示我们最诚挚的祝福。


On 25 May 2013, a Community Footprints event was held hand in hand with Make-A-Wish Foundation for a 8-year old girl named Eunice who was suffering from a serious illness called Carnitine Acylcarnitine Translocase Deficiency which is a rare metabolic disorder preventing the body from converting long-chain fatty acids into energy. According to Eunice’s doctor, her prognosis was not positive; she had been hospitalized for some time with limited and deteriorated communication abilities, was on wheelchair and had to use a ventilator to support breathing. 

The Wish Request was made to organize a birthday party for Eunice who will be turning 9 in June. With the approval from the doctor, Eunice was allowed to take half a day off to celebrate her birthday out of the hospital with her friends and relatives. After discussion with “Make a Wish” Foundation, The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong was delighted to host and sponsor this ‘meaningful’ birthday party for Eunice.

With the assistance from our Ladies and Gentlemen, we turned Ozone, located on Level 118, our tallest bar in the world into a birthday venue. We decorated the venue with all Eunice’s preferences such as Aero-planes and Disney characters as travelling around the world was her dream. We also asked every lady and gentleman in the hotel to make an Origami, a traditional Japanese art of paper folding to express our warm blessings to Eunice.

Upon arrival at the hotel, the Guidance Team and Ladies and Gentlemen gave Eunice a warm welcome.  Anticipating that she might be tired after travelling, we reserved a guest room for her to rest and had the room decorated with her favourite Disney character Cinderella and aero-planes.  In addition, we embroidered 3 sets of bathrobes for Eunice and her parents as warm welcome gifts.

50 friends and relatives were invited to the party and they all had an enjoyable time with lunch buffet served, followed by magician performance, face painting activities, group photos and cake cutting ceremony.  Knowing Eunice’s preference, the hotel bought her an Aero-plane model as her birthday gift together with our uniquely made Ritz-Carlton Passport with all the birthday wishes written by our Ladies and Gentlemen; symbolizing she could bring along this passport to travel around the world.

Since Eunice used to love swimming, we especially tailor-made a wooden device which could allow easy access for the wheelchair to go into the swimming pool.  Eunice was absolutely thrilled when she visited the world’s tallest swimming pool and Jacuzzi where she could enjoy the magnificent view of Hong Kong from Level 118 and took a lot of photos.  Fond farewell did not just end after the party, we put all the origami hand made by our Ladies and Gentlemen in a nicely packed box and sent them over to Eunice to express our warm blessings.

Eunice’s parents, friends and relatives were all touched by the actions and thoughts from our Ladies and Gentlemen.  A thank you letter from Make A Wish Foundation was received thanking us for making a WISH come true!


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丽思卡尔顿之优质服务故事——A Wow Story of Service Excellence

来自成都丽思卡尔顿酒店的真诚关怀——Genuine Care from The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu

         宾客服务部的司机Alex Wu 了解到2013年4月8日将有9名新同事加入成都丽思卡尔顿酒店。Alex想,这些即将加入酒店的同事都是来自其他城市,对成都的不熟悉肯定会让他们感到不便。在他们入职的前一周,为了帮助他们更快地适应新的环境,Alex Wu收集了当地的相关信息,包括市内主要的商场及其他购物场所的位置,并将这些信息合成了一张当地地图。工程总监助理Liz Chen整理了这些资料,并在地图上加上了当地的交通信息。在入职培训的第一天,当这份资料被分发到了每位绅士淑女的手中时,所有人都非常意外,也被Alex和Liz提供的热心帮助感动了。这让他们真正体会到丽思大家庭的热情和真诚关怀。事实上,在丽思卡尔顿,我们不仅要满足每一位客人内心的需求与愿望,同时也要真诚地关怀我们所有的绅士和淑女们!感谢Alex和Liz,你们是一流的!

Driver Alex Wu from Guest Service found that 9 new employees were going to join The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu on April 8, 2013. Given that all of these new joiners were not from Chengdu, which added to their difficulties in adjusting themselves to this new working environment. One week before their arrival, Alex collected local information, including the address of supermarkets, shopping malls and other shopping points in the city, and gathered all the information in a map. Liz Chen (Admin. Assistant to Director of Engineer) helped Alex make an information guide to include local transportation information. Finally, when this masterpiece was delivered to new ladies and gentlemen on the first day of their orientation, they were surprised and touched. What Alex and Liz had done made their stay in Chengdu much more convenient. They felt warm from the genuine care showed by this new family.

First class to Liz and Alex! They fulfilled the unexpressed wishes and needs of our own ladies and gentlemen!



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我的丽思卡尔顿成长之旅 My Career Journey at The Ritz-Carlton

来自天津丽思卡尔顿酒店的职业发展故事——A Career Story of The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin

         我是Charlie Zha。我在丽思卡尔顿的职业生涯开始于1996年,那时候我刚从瑞士凯撒里兹酒店管理学校毕业,在位于亚特兰大的丽思卡尔顿酒店宴会部实习。此后,我决定在丽思卡尔顿酒店继续追求我的职业发展,也非常幸运地得到了在不同地方担任管理培训生的工作机会,包括棕榈滩丽思卡尔顿酒店,玛丽安德尔湾丽思卡尔顿酒店以及那不勒斯丽思卡尔顿度假村。在2007年,我调转到比斯开湾丽思卡尔顿酒店,成为那里的餐饮部总监,并在随后被提升为酒店的运作总监。在我的职业生涯中,其中一个最让我骄傲的里程碑,是在2012年初,我得到回到自己的祖国,并成为上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店的驻店经理的机会。今年,我有幸被任命为“即将开业”的天津丽思卡尔顿酒店的驻店经理。



My name is Charlie Zha. I started my career with The Ritz-Carlton as a Banquet Trainee in The Ritz-Carlton, Atlanta in 1996 after graduating from Cesar-Ritz Hotel School in Switzerland. Moving on my career with The Ritz-Carlton, I was fortunate enough to work in various F&B management positions in The Ritz-Carlton, Palm Beach, The Ritz-Carlton, Marina Del Rey and The Ritz-Carlton Resorts of Naples. In 2007, I transferred to The Ritz-Carlton Key Biscayne as Director of Food and Beverage, and later on I was promoted to be Director of Hotel Operations at that property. One of my proudest milestones in my career happened in the beginning of 2012, when I had the opportunity to move back to my home country and become Hotel Manager at The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai. This year, I had the honor to be appointed as Hotel Manager at the “soon to be open” The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin Property.

The Ritz-Carlton culture, values and the opportunity to learn and grow inspired me to work at The Ritz Carlton continuously. I am proud to come to work every day to be with all my colleagues—the top one percent professional Ladies and Gentlemen in the hotel industry on earth. Being empowered to create “memorable experience worth repeating” for our guests gives me great satisfaction. Being able to lead and mentor our ladies and gentlemen to be better at what they do each day makes me even happier.

Here is my manager’s comment on me: “It is such a pleasure to have Charlie on the team. He, who leads by example, is always positive and has a great impact on all or GT and Ladies & Gentlemen. His character is inspiring, constantly challenges himself and others and works collaboratively with all team members.”

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丽思卡尔顿之优质服务故事——A Wow Story of Service Excellence

来自深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店的真诚关怀——Genuine Care from The Ritz-CarltonShenzhen

         一天晚上,1205房的Mr.kai和Mr.konstan来到礼宾部,询问主管Joswar 关于酒店附近休闲娱乐的地方。Joswar联系了酒店附近的酒吧和KTV,并把信息打印出来给客人。然而,客人表示,由于不会说中文,他们希望可以有一名酒店服务人员陪他们一起去。“预见并满足客人的需求” 是Joswar来到丽思卡尔顿后的座右铭。Joswar决定安排身边准备下班的Bellman Harvey 陪同客人。Harvey是一个从不对客人说“不”的优秀行李员。他凭借在RC实习一年的经验和较好英语听说能力,带着主管Joswar搜索到的信息,与客人一起前往了莉莉玛莲酒吧,和客人度过了一个开心愉快的中国之夜,为客人创造了一次终身难忘的经历。Mr.kai 退房时对Joswar和Harvey说,下次来中国他们还会选择深圳丽思卡尔顿酒店,因为这里的绅士淑女是最棒的。


It was Apr.9, 2013, when Mr.Kai and Mr. Konstan from Room 1205 came to Concierge counter for help. They told Concierge supervisor Joswar they wanted to enjoy themselves at a bar nearby. Joswar contacted some bars and KTV that were close to our hotel, and printed out the information for the guests’ reference. However, the guests said, they’d rather have one of our Ladies and Gentlemen to go with them since they could not understand Chinese.

Considering that “anticipation and fulfillment of each guest’s needs” was his motto since he joined The Ritz-Carlton, Joswar decided to ask Bellboy Harvey who was going to get off work to go with the guest. Harvey was an excellent bellboy who never said no to the guests. With his one-year internship experience as well as English listening and speaking skills, Harvey went to Lili Marleen Bar with the guests and created a memorable Chinese night for the guests.



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我的丽思卡尔顿成长之旅 My Career Journey at The Ritz-Carlton

来自吉隆坡丽思卡尔顿酒店的职业发展故事——A Career Story of The Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur

          我是Lew Siew Yoke,在2001年加入吉隆坡丽思卡尔顿酒店,是Li Yen餐厅的服务员。两年之后,为了和男朋友(现在的丈夫)团聚,我要求外部调动到新加坡的丽思卡尔顿酒店的Summer Pavilion餐厅。在新加坡丽思卡尔顿,我先是在Summer Pavilion餐厅工作,后来调到Green House餐厅工作,并被提升为领班。在新加坡工作了四年之后,我决定回到吉隆坡定居。我重新以领班的身份加入Li Yen餐厅,并先后被提升为主管和餐厅副经理。我花费大量的时间在酒店工作,而丽思卡尔顿企业文化中互相关怀互相照顾的部分更是让我在这里有一种家外之家的感觉。有机会去为一位特别的外国客人,Magaret小姐服务,让我感到非常开心。Magaret小姐和她的丈夫是JTI的培训师。我非常喜欢这位客人,我们还成为了亲密的朋友。以下是经理对我的评价:“Siew Yoke是我们酒店的财富。她从基层开始她的职业生涯,目前已经拥有丰富的工作经验。她总是用积极的态度去对待工作,并把她的员工培训得很好。她总是令人愉快的,友好的,并和她的同事建立了很好的关系。”


My name is Lew Siew Yoke. I joined RCKL in 2001 as a server in Li Yen. Two years later, I requested for a transfer to Summer Pavilion of RC Singapore to join my boyfriend (now husband). In RC Singapore, I was initially with Summer Pavilion, then transferred to Green House and later promoted to captain. After working for 4 years in Singapore, I decided to return to Kuala Lumpur to settle down. I rejoined Li Yen as a captain, and was promoted to supervisor and now the Assistant Manager for the restaurant.

The Ritz-Carlton culture of taking care of each other amongst the ladies and gentleman has made me feel at home as I spend most of my time in the hotel. It makes me happy to have the opportunity to serve one particular foreign guest, Ms. Magaret and her husband who is a trainer for JTI. I am so fond of her and we have become close friends. Here is my manager’s comments on me: “Siew Yoke is an asset to the organization. She started her career from the very bottom and now has many years of experience behind her. She adopts a very positive attitude in her work and trains her subordinates well. She is pleasant, friendly and enjoys very close relationships with her colleagues.



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丽思卡尔顿之优质服务故事——A Wow Story of Service Excellence

来自雅加达丽思卡尔顿太古酒店的特别惊喜——Special Surprise from The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place


         了解到这种情况以后,行政楼层接待员Sanny, 值班经理Ronny都想到要给Sinclair先生的双胞胎提供丽思卡尔顿V.I.K (非常重要的小朋友) t恤衫,再附带一张卡片。当Sanny看到精品店里面陈列着两种颜色的t恤衫(蓝色的适合小男孩,粉红色的适合小女孩)的时候,就想到了这个好主意。等到Sinclair先生回到酒店后,Sanny和Ronny便把纪念品送给他。客人感到非常高兴,看起来也很惊喜。他说,他的双胞胎一定也会很开心,因为他们的爸爸带着礼物回家,最特别的是,这份礼物来自于雅加达丽思卡尔顿太古酒店的绅士淑女们。另一方面,Sinclair先生答应给我们寄一张双胞胎的照片。


         “我想要由衷地感谢Sanny和Ronny。 这是我之前承诺寄出的我的双胞胎,Evie和Malcolm穿着他们漂亮的t恤衫的照片。他们看见爸爸从印尼出差回家,都觉得非常高兴。再一次感谢你们在雅加达丽思卡尔顿太古酒店提供的舒适款待。我盼望着在数月之内能够重返你们酒店,并希望这次旅行不会太过匆忙。这次我可能还有时间去水疗中心放松身心呢。"


Upon departure phase on May 3rd, 2013 our guest Mr. Sinclair mentioned that he had really enjoyed the stay at RCPP. It was his first time at RCPP but everything has been so wonderful. However, he mentioned that he had no time to explore Jakarta for the tight schedule of work. After weeks being there, there was limited time left prior to his departure. As he had late flight, he told us that he would go to the shopping mall to check if there was something he could bring home for his 5-year-old twins.

 Acknowledging this, Sanny, Club Concierge, and Ronny, Duty Manager jumped into the idea of providing The Ritz-Carlton V.I.K (Very Important Kids) T-shirts as souvenir for the twins together with a card. This idea came out automatically when Sanny saw two different colors of T-shirt displaying at our Logo Shop (blue for the boy and pink for the girl). When the guest came back to hotel, Sanny and Ronny gave the souvenir to him. He was really surprised and looked very happy. He said his twins would be very happy when they find out their daddy comes home with a special gift for them and particularly, it’s from the Ladies & Gentlemen of The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place. On the other hand, he promised to send us a picture of his twins.

 Two weeks later, Mr. Sinclair sent the photo and said:

 Hi, I would just like to say thanks to Sanny and Ronny and here is a photo as promised of my twins, Evie and Malcolm, in their lovely T-shirts. They are very happy to see Daddy back from his trip to Indonesia. Thanks again for the comfortable stay at your Pacific Place hotel and I hope that I will return within a couple of months and not so busy this time. I might even have time to unwind at the Spa next time.

Thanks & Regards”



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我的丽思卡尔顿成长之旅 My Career Journey at The Ritz-Carlton

来自三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店的职业发展故事——A Career Story of The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya


Picture 963_副本

My name is Joanna. I joined The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya as a Loss Prevention Coordinator in September 2010. After six months, I was promoted to Administrative Assistant to EAM Rooms. Eighteen months later, an opportunity to work in Quality department became available and I was selected to become Quality Analyst in February 2012. Through hard work and dedication, I was then promoted to Assistant Quality Manager in September 2012. I love the company culture and philosophy. Ladies & Gentlemen are empowered to make their own decision and contribute in any way they can. Also, there are continuous learning opportunities which I truly cherish. I am happy when I interact and engage with our guests and Ladies & Gentlemen and make them loyal to Ritz-Carlton. Here is my manager’s comment on me: “Joanna is a dynamic and passionate individual who thrives on effective communication and getting people together to achieve a goal. She is our Gold Standards champion and a role model for our Ladies & Gentlemen.  




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丽思卡尔顿之社区公益活动故事 - Community Footprints Wow Story from Ritz-Carlton

来自上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店的‘慈善义卖会’— Charity Bazaar Sale’ at the Ritz-Carlton Shanghai Pudong







Huixin Charity House

The Huixin Charity House is located in Hongkou, Shanghai. It has about 120 children, including infants, kids and teenagers. Some of the children were abandoned by their parents and some are handicapped. They all live in a 3-floor building.

Charity Bazaar Sale

On April 26, 2013, The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong, cooperated with 5 students and 2 teachers from Ziluolan Primary Hope School for a Charity Bazaar Sale, as a Community Footprint activity. In this sale, our ladies and gentlemen generously donated their personal items, including books, clothes, toys, DVDs, cosmetics, etc. The students and teachers also contributed their love by bringing DIY bookmarks and clip drawings and assisting us with the Sale.

The Bazaar Sale started at 1:00pm. Our ladies and gentlemen came to the sale stands in succession. The students’ stand was the most popular one. Boys and girls walked around to promote their art pieces. Owing to their efforts, the beautiful hand-made bookmarks and clip drawings were all sold out. When the Bazaar Sale ended at 4:00pm, we sold 60% of our donation items. Thanks to the support of our L&G and students and teachers from Ziluolan Primary Hope School, we finally collected 2500 RMB. On May 24, 2013, we bought some food and other things the children at Huixin Charity House need with the money we collected.

In this Charity Bazaar Sale, we are glad to see that the students who we have helped are now contributing love to others by themselves. The Community Footprint really helps to make our community a better place and also teaches others to do the same.

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丽思卡尔顿之优质服务故事——A Wow Story of Service Excellence

来自首尔丽思卡尔顿酒店的真诚关怀——Genuine Care from The Ritz-Carlton, Seoul

       一天晚上,一位住店的日本客人向前台接待Elijah Hong先生询问是否有接收到他的一个快递邮件。在与客人的谈话中,Hong先生发现,客人这次来韩国是为了观看一个韩国歌手(Super Junior)的演唱会。客人在来韩国之前已经在网上通过一个私人售票者(非正常售票渠道)购买了演唱会门票,该售票者还承诺会在演唱会开始那天之前把票寄到酒店。问题在于,客人目前已经无法联系到当时的售票者了。由于当时已经是晚上,Hong先生想,当务之急是安抚客人的心情。于是,他承诺会在第二天再为客人检查快递的邮件,并告诉客人,即使没收到邮件,也会想别的办法买到演唱会的票。






         您好,我是曾经入住首尔丽思卡尔顿酒店的Hamada。我真心感激Hong先生为我准备的Super Junior演唱会的门票。我可以亲眼见到歌手,并在舞台前和他握手。那是一段很愉快的经历。此外,非常感谢你们在我回来之后为我准备在房间的水果和葡萄酒。由于你们的支持和帮助,我在这里的入住体验非常愉快。我永远也不会忘记在这里,韩国,的经历。我会在不久的将来再到韩国游玩,届时肯定会选择丽思卡尔顿酒店!


One evening, a Japanese guest staying at the hotel made an inquiry to Front desk agent Mr. Elijah Hong about a mail. During their conversation, Mr. Hong learned that the guest was visiting Korea to attend a concert of a Korean singer (Super Junior). The guest had bought the ticket on-line before traveling to Seoul from a private seller (not a regular sales channel) who had promised to send the ticket by mail to the hotel before the day of the concert. However, the guest was now unable to contact the on-line seller. Since it was already late at night, Mr. Hong thought that the most important thing to do for the time being was to put the guest at ease. He promised to check the mail the next day and contact the guest again. He also told the guest that he would find another way to buy a ticket for the concert.

He checked all the channels of buying ticket and contacted the private seller at the same time. However, it was proved to be a classic internet fraud. He couldn’t tell the guest the truth as he had traveled all the way to a foreign country only for this concert. Mr. Hong continued to search on-line for tickets and found out the fact that except for VIP ones, all tickets have been sold out. After more searching on line, Mr. Hong found someone who was trying to sell a free VIP invitation to the concert. He tried to contact the guest as quickly as possible in order to recommend the ticket for him, but was unable to reach him. Considering that the ticket would be sold soon and that there was no time to wait until he could contact the guest, Mr. Hong did not hesitate to meet the seller himself and bought the ticket using his own money for the guest.

Mr. Hong reached the guest by mobile phone with this great news as soon as he got back to the hotel. However, the guest had managed to contact the original on-line private seller and had gone to the concert venue to pick up the ticket. When he left the VIP ticket in the guest's room as souvenir, the guest contacted him urgently, saying that the original seller had not showed up at the concert venue. Therefore, she was planning to come back to the hotel to pick up the ticket Mr. Hong had bought for her. As soon as Mr. Hong heard that situation, he went to the concert venue to give the guest the ticket by hand. Finally, he met the guest just before the concert started and guided her to enter the concert without any explanation because of the starting time.

When the concert finished, the guest came back to hotel and tried to find Mr. Hong first to express her appreciation. She said the seat was greater than she expected, and she would never forget this experience in Korea. After Mr. Hong’s explanation of the whole thing, the ticket was given to the guest who had spent such a stressful day in a foreign country, as a gift. She thanked Mr. Hong again and again, saying that she was really impressed by what he had done for her. Mr. Hong communicated with duty manager, Mr. Jarome Lee, and arranged to provide a fruit basket for the guest who had experienced such a frightening day.

The next day, the guest came down again to express appreciation to Mr. Hong as well as other ladies and gentlemen of the hotel for showing her genuine care and comfort, and fulfilling her unexpressed needs. She could not only get pleasure from the concert but also from warm service by the ladies and gentleman in The Ritz-Carlton, Seoul. She also said that The Ritz-Carlton, Seoul is the best hotel she had ever stayed and she will choose The Ritz-Carlton, Seoul would be her first choice.

[Letter from the guest]

Hello, I am Hamada who stayed at The Ritz-Carlton, Seoul. I really appreciate that Mr. Hong present the concert ticket of Super Junior for me. I could meet the singer and hold his hand in front of stage. It was happy time for me. Also thank you for preparing the fruit and wine when I came back to the room. It was really pleasant stay because of your support and help. I never forget this experience in here, Korea. I will visit again in near future and definitely choose this hotel!



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我的丽思卡尔顿成长之旅 My Career Journey at The Ritz-Carlton

来自吉隆坡丽思卡尔顿酒店的职业发展故事——A Career Story of The Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur

我是Wong Pei Wen,这是我第三年加入吉隆坡丽思卡尔顿酒店。我很幸运,因为在这里,有很好的领导去培养我。来到这里的前三个月,我都在凯撒餐厅工作,是餐厅的管家。从那时候开始我就爱上了这份工作,并和客人有越来越多的交流。带着一种尝试的心态,我申请了贴身管家的职位。我对于成为贴身管家的热情加强了我在为客人带来惊喜时的创造力。在丽思卡尔顿,我们有不断学习和成长的机会,因此,后来我就被任命为助理客房部经理。丽思卡尔顿是众人眼中的奢华品牌,因最好的服务和文化而闻名于酒店行业。我相信这家公司总是会以任何方式去为绅士淑女们投资,让他们不断成长。绅士淑女们的热情也启发着我去成为一名优秀的酒店人。在这里工作,最开心的时刻来自于客人的赞扬。有一次,一对夫妇来到我们酒店欢度蜜月,我为他们做了一张卡片,找了很多绅士淑女在上面留下祝福。后来,客人写信给总经理,表扬我对工作的热情以及对他们的真诚关怀。我的经理室这样评价我的:“Pei Wen尊重她的同事们,并公平地对待他们。她总是很享受同事们之间的友谊,坦诚地和大家探讨内心的想法,并和大家一起努力去达到目标。Pei Wen是一个能够兑现承诺的人,也因此而赢得了大家的尊重。”


My name is Wong Pei Wen. This is my third year with the Ritz Carlton Kuala Lumpur. I was always lucky that I had caliber leaders to groom my talent in this company. I started as a dining butler in Cesar restaurant for the first 3 months and I started to love my job so much that I grew to be closer to our guests. By trying my luck, I applied for the butler position. My passion for being a butler had enhanced my creativity to “wow” our guests in making hand craft for them. The opportunity to learn and grow in Ritz Carlton continues whereby I was appointed by my leader to hold the responsibility of Assistant Housekeeping Manager.

The Ritz-Carlton is a notable luxury hotel, well-known as a hotel of top service excellence and culture in this hospitality industry. I believe that this company is always willing to invest in any way to groom their ladies and gentlemen. Their passion in the industry inspires me to be one of the best hoteliers.

The happiest moment was when I got a very sweet comment from my guest who had a one night stay. They were celebrating their honeymoon and I made them a card with the signatures and wishes from our ladies and gentlemen. The beautiful couple was so happy and they sent a letter of compliments to the General Manager.

Here’s my manager’s comment on me: “Pei Wen respects her fellow colleagues and treats them fairly. She enjoy their friendship, explores thoughts about one another candidly, works together to achieve the common goal. Pei Wen is a leader who wins the respect of others as she can deliver on her promises.”


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